

I want to rush
buckle down
learn quickly,
move ahead fast,
never stopping
always hopping
never slowing
always going.
I want my days to turn to nights
and my nights to turn to extra days.
I want to skip all the steps
and get to the finish line.
Let me cross that line
let me get to where I am going
although I’m not sure where I am going.

I want to rush
skip ahead
read the last few pages
finish the ending scene,
watch the finale.
I want to stop working
stop living a life not meant for me
I want to rush ahead
to that day where this book
in the series of my life is over.
I want to skip ahead
to the to be continued screen,
wrapped in your arms – in your love.
I want to jump ahead to the end
where I am just being me
loving what I do.

Life doesn’t work that way
you cannot rush the days
and time already rushes to fade away.
Plus, the journey is
what makes the destination worth while.